Great Tips That Can Help You With Asthma

If you're one of the millions of people suffering from asthma, you should know that there are many ways to improve your symptoms and stop it from worsening. In this article, you'll find many of these simple tips that will put your asthma under control, and let you live a healthy, enjoyable life.

The first thing to do when you find out you have asthma is to find out if you also have allergies. Have your doctor perform a skin test to see if you are allergic to some of the common allergens such as dust, dander, pollen, and so on that can aggravate your asthma.

You may think using fans indoors would be a good thing to help reduce your asthma symptoms. However, if there is any amount of dust in the area and the space is closed up, using a fan is only going to kick that dust up into the air that your breathe. This could trigger an asthma attack, so avoid using fans in closed up, dusty places.

Visit a doctor to ensure that your asthma is not being caused by environmental allergies. Animal dander, mold and other common irritants often trigger attacks, but can be treated with special prescriptions or even over-the-counter drugs. You may be able to prevent most attacks by staying away from allergens and staying in areas with clean air.

To help you cope with asthma you should always keep an inhaler nearby. An inhaler will temporarily help to clear up some of the fluid that builds in your lungs. Without an inhaler, having too much fluid in your lungs could seriously affect your breathing which will lead to more serious problems.

Try to avoid animals, as much as possible, if you have severe asthma. Even those who aren't allergic to pets, should still limit their contact, since the animals' fur can house dirt, dust, pollen and other asthma triggers. If you must have a pet, look into breeds that are hairless.

Know your triggers, and know them well. Most types of asthma have specific triggers that will lead to acute asthma attacks. By knowing your triggers, you can either limit your exposure to them or take measures to counteract their presence before you go. Preventing attacks is sometimes as simple as knowing what will cause them.

Always get your annual flu shot! Even if you are not normally susceptible to colds and the flu during the seasons for them, when you have asthma, it is always best to protect yourself as much as possible from developing sinus infections or respiratory issues - both of which are sometimes caused by the flu.

Asthma inhalers come in two types - preventative and rescue. The prevention inhalers are very useful in daily control of asthma related triggers. There are several brands and combinations to choose from. Rescue inhalers are the ones you take during an actual attack. They are carried with you and made to keep your airway open.

If you or your children are struggling with asthma, it is important to have your home inspected yearly for asthma triggers. Triggers for asthma in the home are dust, mold, and any other spores that may be present in your home. These triggers will often affect children more than adults.

Although this article makes it sound easy to control your asthma, you should recognize how dangerous asthma can be. Always contact appropriate medical help if you sense your symptoms worsening or getting out of control. Asthma attacks are extremely dangerous and can be fatal. Hopefully, by applying these tips, you'll be able to better manage your asthma symptoms.


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