What Everyone Ought To Know About Asthma
Asthma affects millions of people and is a serious medical problem. If you're suffering from asthma related symptoms and you want to learn how to get better, you're in luck. In this article, you'll find many simple tips to help you improve your asthma by checking several warning signs that can worsen symptoms, such as air pollution.
Work with your doctor and your family to create an asthma action plan. You should include what your triggers are and how you feel when exposed to these triggers. Identify actions that should be taken when you begin to feel an asthma attack coming on. Trust your plan and act right away to prevent or stop an asthma attack.
Medications that will help you control symptoms when you have an attack are oral corticosteroids and bronchodilators. Bronchodilators, usually referred to as "rescue medications", are usually inhaled but also come in liquid, tablet, or they are injectable. These are the most popular forms of 'rescue medications' that you can get.
A healthy diet can help you to better manage your asthma. Studies have shown that processed foods, sugar, and trans fats can bring about inflammation which can trigger asthma. You don't have to cut these foods out entirely, but you should keep them to a minimum.
Reduce the likelihood of an asthma attack by limiting exposure to pets. Both pet fur, and dust/dirt which can get trapped in their fur, can trigger asthma in some people. If pets must be kept indoors, make sure that their movement around the home is restricted and that they are not ever allowed in the bedrooms.
Control or eliminate cockroaches. On top of being a general health hazard, cockroaches produce dander that can trigger asthma and allergy symptoms. If you do have roaches, use Boric acid or traps to kill them instead of chemical pesticides. These can irritate your bronchial pathways and trigger an attack too.
Create and follow a written asthma action plan. This plan should include all of your asthma medications, including rescue inhalers, dosages and times to take them. Having a written plan makes it easier to follow your treatment plan, which will result in better control of your asthma.
If you have asthma and you live in a cold weather environment, you may want to consider moving. It is a medical fact that cold weather triggers asthma attacks, whereas hot weather helps keep asthma attacks and symptoms in control. Places like Florida and the Caribbean have a smaller asthma population.
If you are being treated for asthma and you find that your medication is not working, it is important that you talk with your doctor. The medication that you are taking may work for others, but it may not work for you. Your doctor may want to even add another medication to your treatment.
You do not have to be physically inactive just because you have asthma. Unlike decades ago, when asthma treatments were few and far between, there are plenty of different asthma inhalers and medications that you can take prior to and after performing physical activities. Ask your doctor for the best treatment for your specific needs.
An excellent suggestion for improving control over your asthma is to limit the amount of time you spend with animals. Even if animals themselves may not cause you to have an attack, they can also carry dirt and other substances that can potentially cause an attack. Because of these things, you should keep your time with animals to a minimum.
Asthma is something that can drastically influence your health and lifestyle, but you do have power that you can exercise over it. The methods you have learned here can help you find relief from the symptoms of asthma and get your condition under control.
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