Get Your Hemorrhoids Under Control With These Tips
Hemorrhoids can be a real pain in the...well, you know. Experts estimate that roughly half of all adults will deal with hemorrhoids at some point in their life, and knowledge of what can cause or contribute to the development of this pesky ailment, as well as how to lessen its effects, is essential.
Eat plenty of garlic. Garlic has been shown to help soothe the intestines, which in turn helps to relieve swelling and pain associated with hemorrhoids. Most doctors recommend eating at least 2 full cloves a day for the maximum benefits, and some doctors even say you can insert a clove in the rectum.
When you are sitting for extended periods of time and are not getting enough physical activity on a regular basis, you are making yourself more susceptible for developing hemorrhoids. Exercising as frequently as you can in addition to a well balanced diet puts you at a lower risk for developing hemorrhoids as you age.
Hemorrhoids are a common and irritating complication of pregnancy. It's important to avoid any natural or over-the-counter remedies until you consult with your doctor to see what is safe for you and your baby. Try sleeping on your left side to reduce pressure on certain veins that can make hemorrhoids swell.
If you have tried just about everything under the sun to get rid of a large or painful hemorrhoid and nothing works, you may want to consider rubber band surgery. As painful as this may sound it is most effective. With this surgery, a doctor ties tiny rubber bands around the hemorrhoid to remove it.
Although hemorrhoids can often be a painful, uncomfortable ailment, the good news is that there are steps you can take to manage your symptoms and get the relief that you crave. You now have a solid understanding of factors contributing to the development of hemorrhoids, and what you can do to manage your symptoms.
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