The Best Ways To Deal With Hemorrhoids
There are many things that can make you vulnerable to hemorrhoids. Late pregnancy and giving birth can cause them in women while men can get them from constipation, straining and poor diet. Fortunately they do not last long and can usually be treated at home. This article can offer suggestions on how to deal with them.
If you are experiencing pain and inflammation from your hemorrhoids, try to soak in a warm tub. Fill your tub with enough warm water to cover the area and lay back with your knees raised. The warm water will increase the blood flow to the anus and reduce the swelling. Do this a few times a day to help reduce the swelling.
If you have hemorrhoid problems, use laxatives sparingly. Laxatives can be vital in dealing with isolated instances of constipation, but if you rely on them regularly you can do yourself harm. Laxatives can irritate hemorrhoids and encourage their formation. Also, by taking laxatives frequently, you mask the true status of your digestive processes and cannot tell if you need to make dietary adjustments.
Use petroleum jelly liberally. Applying petroleum jelly around your anus before you use the restroom can alleviate any pain you may experience from the passage of hard stools. It lubricates and soothes, saving you from experiencing pain and discomfort both during and after your restroom break by preventing inflammation of the hemorrhoids.
A great tip for your painful hemorrhoids is to cut back on how much sodium you consume. This is essential because salt dries out your body, and this is the worst thing you can do to yourself if you are already suffering from difficult and painful bowel movements. On a side note, salt is not good for your heart health either.
As was covered in the beginning of this article, hemorrhoids can occur in pregnant women or in people with poor diets, constipation and from straining during a bowel movement. By using this article to make changes such as adding fiber, drinking more water and exercising, you can learn to avoid these painful attacks.
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